Welcome to the Proxmox Release Newsletter!

Proxmox Mail Gateway 8.1

We're very pleased to announce the new version of our open-source email security solution.

The highlights of the new version include:

  • Debian 12.5, defaulting to the newer Linux kernel 6.5 with support for ZFS 2.2.2.
  • Enhanced rule system: selection of a “match-if” mode, providing flexible control
  • Secure Boot
  • Simplified GUI management: new filter and search box allows to filter Relay Domains, Transport, Networks, Objects in the rule system
  • Renamed kernel packages: 'proxmox-kernel' and 'proxmox-headers'
  • SMTP smuggling mitigation
  • SpamAssassin 4.0.0 (with updated rulesets)
  • ClamAV 1.0.3

and more...

Read the Forum Announcement →


Download the new version at: Download

Press release

Click here for the press release


The documentation is available at: Documentation

Upgrade guide from 7 to 8

For users of Proxmox Mail Gateway 7.x a detailed upgrade guide is available, enabling you to achieve a smooth upgrade.

Additionally, a pre-flight checking script helps to identify potential misconfigurations before the upgrade.

Upgrade Guide from 7 to 8 →

Guide: Getting started with Proxmox Mail Gateway

To help you improve the detection accuracy and user experience of your Proxmox Mail Gateway, we have compiled a Getting Started guide. You'll find a list of adaptations and configurations you can apply to your Proxmox Mail Gateway after the installation.

Getting started with Proxmox Mail Gateway →

Nice to know - some facts

Proxmox Mail Gateway was first released in April 2005. It's one of the leading open-source email security solutions helping to protect enterprise mail server against all email threats from the moment they emerge. At the University of Macau, for example, around 50k emails are scanned per day on average with Proxmox Mail Gateway.